In case of violation of the work of the stomach, it is necessary to follow a certain diet. Gastritis is no exception. After all, with this disease, inflammation of the gastric mucosa occurs, which prevents normal digestion.
Certain foods can negatively affect the stomach, increasing pain. Therefore, for a comfortable life, people suffering from gastritis should eat only what does not provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
Diet is one of the most important elements in the treatment of gastritis. However, you must first find out whether the acidity of gastric secretion is increased or decreased. This is of great importance, because it depends on what foods you can eat with gastritis.
To determine the level of acidity, it is necessary to undergo an examination in order to choose the right sparing diet.
Nutrition for gastritis with high acidity
A diet for gastritis with high acidity is designed to reduce the production of a large amount of gastric juice. From the menu it is necessary to exclude products containing coarse elements, for example, pronounced fiber fibers. Such foods can damage the inflamed walls of the stomach simply mechanically.
From the menu should be excluded:
- fish with cartilage
- Bran bread
- tough meat
- Muesli
- Turnip
- Swedish
- Radish
Also prohibited are products that cause increased production of gastric secretions:
- Black bread
- Citrus
- Alcohol
- White cabbage
- Sparkling water
- Sauces
- Mushrooms
Meals consumed should be neither hot nor cold. Foods at medium temperature (15-60 ° C) with gastritis will not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Hot foods only irritate the gastric mucosa, and cold foods consume too much energy during digestion.
The menu should include the following products
- Lean meat (rabbit, chicken breast)
- Fish (river)
- Whole milk
- Buckwheat, oat flakes
- Seafood
- Vegetables
- Fruits and berries (do not eat on an empty stomach)
- Herbal teas and tinctures
Low fat dairy products, sweets, garlic and onions should be avoided.

Diet for gastritis with subnormal acidity
An insufficient amount of gastric juice occurs with atrophic gastritis. As a result, food digestion is poor. Nutrition for this type of disease should consist of foods that will help the stomach produce the substances necessary for proper digestion. It is necessary to strictly observe the rules:
- Chew food well
- Eat cooked fruit
- 20 minutes before a meal you need to drink a glass of mineral water (only soft carbonated)
With low stomach acid, the following foods should be included in the daily diet:
- White cabbage
- Carrot
- citrus fruits
- Honey
- herbal tea
- Meat, fish (lean)
- Dairy products
- It is necessary to exclude the use of milk.
With any type of gastritis, you need to adhere to five meals a day. Good chewing of food is one of the conditions of good nutrition. After eating, you need to rest. Overeating, chewing gum, strict diets, snacks on the go and in front of the TV are unacceptable. You need to clearly know what foods you can not eat with gastritis with your type of acidity. Only by following these rules can you achieve full recovery. Helicobacter is the most common cause of gastritis and its transition to the chronic stage. The main fight against the disease is therefore to destroy this infection. But the right diet for gastritis plays the most important role.